Q.   How often do you update the page?
A.   Small changes and boo-boos (corrections) go in as and when. Major release stuff should be like monthly and stuff!!

Q.   How do I like send material to be on the page?
Send email to niemys@hotmail.com with the subject line reading 'Mech Article' .We will read it and the panel will review it and if we like it we will stick it up real nice and pretty like.

Q.   How do I get on the panel?
Send email to niemys@hotmail.com with the subject line reading 'Mech Panel Inclusion'

Q.   How does the panel work?
A.   Since we all can make mistakes, I will send content submitted by our mechies to the panel. We will all read and review it, maybe edit it for brevity and content and then I will format it, doll it up and stick it up. By 'I'; I mean the coordinator for the mech-page.
The panel will also consider general content and layout suggestions.
The panel will have to respond to requests in set amounts of time or their acquiescence will be assumed
The panel members who wish to leave can do so any time they want and people who wish to join will be placed on a waiting list till such an eventuality occurs.
After the first selection the selection of panel members will be done by the remaining panel.
A panel member can be on the panel for a year.
I will coordinate the activities of the panels as long as possible.

Q.   Why are you doing this?
A.   Because somebody has to. I am doing this for posterity and our college

Q.   Are you endorsed or supported by the actual department at NIE?
A.   No this is the unofficial NIE site. We look to the department for support but we have not been officially endorsed by department. This is a labor of love and also 'cause, check this out, we gots mad skills yo!
